sunnuntai, 15. elokuu 2010

Ei otsikkoa

Mä huomaan, ettei mulla ole ystävää, jolle kertoa erosta. Siksi en kai moisesta facebookissakaan kuuluta.

Lapset nukkuvat jo. Huomenna alkaa koulu. Yritän olla reipas ja iloinen heidän seurassaan, nyt on väsy.

Mut jos jotain hyvää, tiedän nyt mitä haluan.

sunnuntai, 15. elokuu 2010

Ei otsikkoa

Mä tein sen. Sanoin se ääneen. Mä en enää pysty elämään suhteessa, joka ei toimi.

Mua ahdistaa, itkettää, surettaa, vituttaa ja ikävöinkin jo kosketusta, mutta samalla oloni on huikean vapaa. Kuin kivisen ikeen alta olisin päässyt, oloni on jotenkin --- vapaa. Vapaa.

Siis, oikeesti. Pulassahan mä olen, taloudellisesti. Mulla on firma, joka ei vielä tuota; koti, josta joudun kai muuttamaan ja tulossa on sellaisiakin ylimääräisiä laskuja, joihin oletin olevan rahaa. Mä kun olen ihan pennitön. Tämä konekin on toisen. Mun täytyy ostaa tämä kone pois tuolta.

Mä en vieläkään oikein tajua, mitä tuli tehtyä.

Mä rakastan lasteni isää. Ja tulen aina rakastamaan, teki se mitä hyvänsä, oli se millainen mua kohtaan hyvänsä. Mutta missä loppuu rakkaus ja alkaa riippuvuus, se mun täytyy myös itselleni selvittää.

Lapset eivät vielä tiedä. Eikä kukaan mun ystävistä. Ei niiden vielä tarvitsekaan tietää, kukaan ei täältä pääse muuttamaan hetkeen. Kovasti vaan on facebookissa kuuluteltu jo. Surubiisejäkin. MInä suren salassa, kirjoitankin tätä salassa. Mun päiväkirjoja oli luettu, se kerrottiin mulle päin naamaa, oli oltu huolissaan. Mä luotin siihen, ettei niitä lueta ilman lupaa, ja silti. Onneksi mulla on tämä.

Jatkan Tuulen viemää-elokuvan katsomista. Voin itkeä sen kanssa.

torstai, 24. kesäkuu 2010

no voi vittu.

Ahdistaa ihan kympillä. Avasin suuni taas niin väärässä paikassa niin väärään aikaan. Perkele, haluaisin vaan selvittää asioita mutta vittu ihan turhaa.

lauantai, 12. kesäkuu 2010


Your Existing Situation: "Inclined to choose luxurious things, which are gratifying to the senses. Turned off by things which are tacky and tasteless."

Your Stress Sources: "Looking to stand out in the crowd and wanting to keep her rank and status. her current situation is irritating her because she can't seem to find anybody out there who values the same high standards she does. she is feeling isolated and wants to give in to her carnal urges, but can't bring herself to appear weak in the eyes of others. Wants others to see her unique qualities and character but can't stand to come off as needy, so instead she has an ""I don't care"" attitude and pushing people away. she turns her back on those who criticizes her behavior, but beneath her indifference is a person who is in desperate need of approval."

Your Restrained Characteristics: "Has high emotional expectations and desires to be the center of attention, which makes it difficult to find a satisfying relationship. her reserved, cautious nature makes her emotionally distant. " Emotionally demanding and will involve herself in close relationships but won't get too involved or give too much of himself. "Current situation makes her feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things." Is feeling emotionally drained from stressful and tense situations. she is in need of peace and quiet in order to overcome her lack of energy and may become irritable if she does not recover. Applies tough standards to her potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in her sex life.

Your Desired Objective: Is searching for a tight relationship with passion and physical fulfillment. Is focused and driven toward physical fitness and overall well-being.

Your Actual Problem: "Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics she likes in other people and apply it to herself as well as coming across as a unique individual."

Your Actual Problem #2: "Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave her feeling the same way. Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop her intellect. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach."



lauantai, 12. kesäkuu 2010

Testing testing - anger styles

Lauantaiaamun ratoksi testituloksia ja itsetutkiskelua.

Your result for Anger Styles Questionnaire ...

78% Hidden, 58% Explosive and 56% Chronic!

Hidden or Masked Styles 78% Hidden

A. Anger Avoidance — People who believe anger is bad, scary, or useless. They can’t use anger appropriately in their lives.

I try to never get angry. - Niin totta!

I get really nervous when others get angry. - Niin totta tämäkin!

I think I'm doing something bad and feel guilty when I get angry. - Jep, kun suutun, tunnen siitä syyllisyyttä, enhän minä voi suuttua...

They need to work on accepting feelings of anger as normal events in life. They need to practice using it well. They need to learn that they’re not bad people when they stand up for themselves- In general they need to learn how to be assertive as a tool for self- caring (vs. their believing they are being selfish in a bad way).  Vaikeaa on hyväkyä itsessään vihaisuus - tai edes se, että mulla on lupa olla vihainen. Sitten kun suutun, se tosiaan menee överiksi...


B. ‘Sneaky” Anger — Passive aggressive individuals whose power centers on frustrating others through inaction.

I tell people I'll do what they want, but then I often forget. Tästä mulle niin paasataan, mä kun aina unohdan mitä olen luvannut.. vaikka en muista edes luvanneeni.

I say things lIke "Yeah, but... " and "I'll do it later." ...joo-joo. Auts.

People tell me I must be angry, but I'm not sure why. Äkäiseksi ja kireäksi mua moititaan aika ajoin, enkä ole varma olenko muka.

They need to own the fact that they’re angry. They‘re typically angry at others, who tend to push them around, and they’re angry at themselves for not having the guts to stand up for themselves when they’re treated that way. They need to challenge their sense of weakness, summon their courage, and learn to act on their own behalf.  Lastly, they need to let go of the fun they get out of frustrating others. (Anger sneaks get trapped in their own success. This style works. They prove over and over again that nobody can make them do anything they’re not willing to do.  How important is that one point? Is it important enough to wrap ones whole life around it? That sure leaves a lot of other important things out, don‘t you think?) Olisi kai hyvä aloittaa ihan vihantunteen tunnistamisesta...


C. Paranoid Anger — Anger projected onto others and then defended against with “defensive” anger and aggression.

I get jealous a lot, even when there's no reason. Jep. Järki sanoo toisin, mutta kateellisuus ja mustasukkaisuus saavat silti möykyn tuntumaan ikävänä.

I don't trust people very much. En luotakaan. Liian monta kertaa olen pettynyt.

Sometimes I think people are out to get me. Tällaiseen en usko, en sentäs paranoidi ole...

They need to assume that any time they think someone is angry at them, it’s really the other way around, and they’re the ones who are angry. (Granted, sometimes others may be mad at you too, but that’s not your problem —your own anger is!!) They need to learn to deal with their own guilty feelings, greed, envy, and jealousy. They likely have work to do on their self-worth. They need to end their vigilance and proof-seeking behaviors, and Iearn to trust. (Perhaps a word re: possessiveness and respect: there seems to be a personal ownership element to relationships in our society, that I’m pretty sure is not truly loving or respecful, of others or of ourselves.) Huomaan nyt, että mulle on usein käynyt niin, että luulen toisen olevan vihainen minulle ja pyrin lepyttelemään häntä, ja kas, loppujen lopuksi olen itse ollut vihainen.


Explosive Styles 58% Explosive

A. Sudden Anger - Anger comes out as rapid, usually short-lived, intense bursts.

My anger comes out really fast. Nollasta sataan sekunnissa. Siis jos oikein kunnolla suutun, usein kyllä haudon kuin kultamunaa tuota vihaani kunnes se kasvaa riittävän isoksi purkautuakseen.

I act before I think when I get angry. Oh, yes I do.

My anger goes away quickly after I explode. Totta, vaikka saatankin tuntea syyllisyyttä purkauksesta.

They need to learn about their build-up process - what the indicators of their approaching the explosion are. They need to make a commitment to use timeouts as necessary to avoid saying or doing things they, and others, will later regret. They need to learn ways to slow down their anger. They may need to make a commitment to work towards almost never getting angry. They'd benefit from learning relaxation skills and a slow, easy, and calm manner of living.   Pitäisi itse tajuta ottaa se time-out, ettei toisen tarvitse heittää mua ulos käytökseni takia.


B. Shame-Based Anger - Anger reflects perceived attacks upon a person's core self. It comes on fast, but it goes away slowly because the exploder usually feels worse and more ashamed after an outburst than before.

I get very angry when people criticize me. Jep, ja puolustaudun hyvin hanakasti.

People say I am easily hurt and oversensitive. Ja minua ärsyttää, kun sanovat niin.

I get angry when I feel bad about myself. Kyllä.

There are three things these individuals need to do. The first is to break the shame/rage connection by assuming that most of the time, when they get angry, there's some sort of shame that's been triggered. The trick is to use the anger as a signal of the shame and address the shame directly rather than exploding or continuing the explosion. Ask the question "What am I ashamed about right now?" Next, they must begin to heal their shame. They'll know they're doing better when they believe: "I am good" - "I am good enough. "- "I am loveable. "- "I belong. " - "I am. " The work is slow. They might pick one of those statements and put it in their own words and context, (such as "I am good enough. " might be "I do my work well. I don't need to make excuses. ") then let themselves experience how that feels to them. They could then explore what they might do differently in their lives to fulfill that better. Over time, with those sorts of efforts, shame turns into self-respect and healthy pride.  Lastly, these people need to learn to treat others with respect. They've traditionally responded to their own feelings of shame by dumping on others. They need to learn to listen and appreciate others, passing on the opportunities to insult, attack, or criticize. Mä en ole ennen tajunnutkaan, että häpeästä voisi nousta viha - mutta noinhan se menee. Ainakin minulla. Se arvottomuuden tunne on helppo kääntää niin itsevihaksi kuin kiukuksi muita kohtaan.


C. Deliberate Anger - Anger that is purposely displayed in order to intimidate.

I get mad in order to get what I want. En.

I try to scare others with my anger. En tod.

I can pretend to be very mad when I'm really OK. En.

These individuals need to explore gains and losses associated with this behavior. They might benefit from some empathy work, and from learning more effective communication skills. They need to learn to quit trying to control others, ask for what they want, and learn to live with not always getting it.


D. Excitatory or Addictive Anger - These individuals seek the intensity of the anger "rush".

Sometimes I get angry just for the excitement or action. No huhhuh.

I like the strong sensations that come with my anger. Itseasiassa ahdistun niistä tunteista.

My anger takes over and I go out of control. Näin kyllä tapahtuu.

The answers are: calmness, moderation, and healthy choicemaking. They need to recognize that they're slaves to their anger if it makes them bite on every lure that comes by. They need to learn to say "no" to most of the anger invitations they receive. Perussetti siis...


Chronic Styles 56% Chronic

A Habitual Anger — Automatic thoughts and actions perpetuate non-functional anger.

I seem to get angry all the time. Näh.

I just can't break the habit of getting angry a lot. Välillä joo.

I get mad without thinking - it just happens. Nollasta sataan -tyylillä, kyllä.

Increase awareness of habitual behavior. Focus on choices. Cultivate a habit of optimism by recognizing positive possibilities. Practice, practice, practice!


B. Moral Anger — Auger is perceived as justified, righteous, for a cause greater than self-interest.

I get very angry when I defend my beliefs and opinions. Ja varsinkin jos tuntuu että seinille puhuisi ja kukaan ei kuuntele eikä välitä-

I feel outraged about what others try to get away with. Ärsyttävää kyllä.

I always know I'm right in an argument. Uskon asiaani kyllä, vaikka en välttämättä ole oikeassa. Ärsyttävää jos minut yritetään saada väkisin toisen puolella ja vaihtamaan kantaani

These individuals would benefit from empathy to de-devilize others. Change here requires a willingness to become painfully honest with self-confrontation and challenging the narcissism. They need to develop humility. Auts.


C. Resentment / Hate — Others are treated as loathsome and unforgivable.

I hang onto my anger for a long time. Riippuu niin tapauksesta.

I have a hard time forgiving people. Kyllä.

I hate people for what they've done to me. Niin teen. Ja olen hyvin katkera.

Resentment harms the person with the resentments far more than it ever hurts the person resented. These individuals need to learn to give themselves the gift of forgiveness. Anteeksianto on vaikeaa, mutta yritän.


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